Fingerhut J., Lecroart L., Borodin D., Schwarzer M., Hörandl S., Kandratsenka A., Auerbach D. J., Wodtke A. M. and Kitsopoulos T. N.: The binding energy and diffusion barrier of formic acid on Pd(111). (submited)
Borodin D.: Making Kinetics at Surfaces a More Exact Science. Bunsen-Magazine 6/2022, Read: Bunsen-Article
Borodin D., Galparsoro O., Rahinov I., Fingerhut J., Schwarzer M., Hörandl S., Auerbach D. J., Kandratsenka A., Schwarzer D., Kitsopoulos T. N. and Wodtke A. M.: Steric hindrance of NH3 diffusion on Pt(111) by co-adsorbed O-atoms. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2022, XXXX, XXX, XXX–XXX
Schwarzer M., Hertl N., Nitz F., Borodin D., Fingerhut J., Kitsopoulos T. N. and Wodtke A. M.: The Adsorption and Absorption Energies of Hydrogen with Palladium. J. Phys. Chem. C 2022, 126, 34, 14500-14508
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Borodin D., Rahinov I., Galparsoro O., Fingerhut J., Schwarzer M., Golibrzuch K., Skoulatakis G., Auerbach D. J., Kandratsenka A., Schwarzer D., Kitsopoulos T. N. and Wodtke A. M.: Kinetics of NH3 Desorption and Diffusion on Pt: Implications for the Ostwald Process. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2021, 143, 43, 18305–18316
Fingerhut J., Borodin D., Schwarzer M., Skoulatakis G., Auerbach D. J., Wodtke A. M. and Kitsopoulos T. N.: The Barrier for CO2 Functionalization to Formate on Hydrogenated Pt. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2021, 125, 34, 7396–7405
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